

发布时间: 2017-02-28 15:44:07   |  来源: 哥本哈根   |     |  责任编辑: 曹洋


The Hong Kong International Fur & Fashion Fair from 16 to 18 February, an annual highlight on the fashion calendar, kicked off today at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. An exceptionally all-rounded range of exhibits, ranging from raw materials to fur apparel and accessories were in the limelight. The total exhibition space reached 30,000 square meters to congregate over 210 local and overseas exhibitors from 13 countries and regions, including two national pavilionsfrom Germany and Greece.

Official from Kopenhagen Fur stand explained that the stand mainly highlights two aspects this year - one is fur innovation and technology; the other is to provide more quality services to our customers including logistics, research and development, after-sales service etc. besides the main business. These two aspects were fully verified in the three days: our skin as the main business have been deeply rooted among customers, and visitors are thereby more concerned about the innovation and after-sales service based on original business. This is the strategy for future development of Kopenhagen Fur.

The grand occasion opened with the glamourous Fur Gala 2017. Hong Kong has long been regarded as one of the biggest garment exporters in the world, yet many may not realize that this cosmopolitan in South East Asia also is the largest fur exporter and fur trading centre in the world! With decades of experience and expertise in fur production and exports, Hong Kong furriers are today shipping their stylish fur accessories and apparel to over 30 countries around the world, gracing the racks of reputable stores and boutiques in traditional as well as emerging markets.






除了专业的展览展示,2月16日晚,展会联合香港艺狮皮草ACE FUR、Blue Angel蓝天使皮草、Broadway Fur 百老汇皮草、Cadano Fur 卡丹奴毛皮、Dai-Ichi Madam Fur 第一夫人皮草、DSK Furs 新达昌皮草、East Link Fur 东进毛皮、Hong Kong Fur 香港皮草、International Fur 国际皮草、Lanca Fur 联合皮草、Ocean Fur 海洋皮草、Precious Fur 栢斯皮草、Regal Fur & Fashion 富豪皮草时装、Season Trading 时信贸易、S.F. Fashion 丰盛时装十五家国际知名皮草品牌打造“2017皮草之夜Gala Show” , 演绎皮草最新流行趋势,揭开皮草服饰2017华丽篇章。

哥本哈根皮草总裁叶文浩先生(右六) 、哥本哈根皮草中国区总裁崔溢云女士(左四)受邀出席香港「皮草之夜2017」。

今年表演以“An Evening of Moments”为主题,由香港本地毛皮生产商展出15个匠心独运的系列,逾百件最新设计,表达浪漫、热情、瑰丽、欢欣等不同个性,展现顷刻万变的皮草时装,亦表现毛皮原料的高可塑性,予观众别具一格的视觉和质感效果:洋溢浪漫的服饰、运动造型配搭、型格的都市服和华丽的酒会晚装等,彰显时尚女性姿采;亦展出两个男装系列,拓阔毛皮时装界限。香港毛皮商创意非凡的设计,稳守前瞻,率先展现时尚、风姿绰绰的皮草款式,将令国际买家叹为观止。